SQUARE ASSET MANAGEMENT is specialised in three distinct areas of real estate asset management, with the Specialised Funds having 549 million euros in assets under management (August 31th 2024), aimed at maximising their value through long-term management.


The SIC is an alternative, closed, real estate collective investment undertaking, incorporated by private subscription.
The objective of the SIC is to achieve, in a medium- and long-term perspective, a growing capital appreciation in real estate assets, seeking, in line with the investment policy, to create conditions for the increase of Shareholders' equity, based on criteria of prudence, diversification, security and yield.

SIC's assets may be invested in:

a) the acquisition of urban properties and independent units (or the acquisition of a surface right or other right of similar content over the same assets) mainly destined for any commercial
b) the acquisition of urban properties for reconstruction/refurbishment for subsequent sale, lease or other forms of exploitation;
c) the acquisition of urban properties already leased out for income;
d) shares in real estate companies or other real estate alternative investment undertakings whose real estate properties fulfils at least one of the requirements referred to in paragraphs a) to c) above;
e) for purposes of hedging interest rate risk, derivative financial instruments whose underlying assets and maturity correspond to the nature of its assets and liabilities; and
f) on an ancillary basis, the SIC may invest in liquidity, being considered as such cash, bank deposits that may be called any time, certificates of deposit, treasury fund participation units, securities represented or guaranteed by a Member State of the European Union with a residual maturity of less than twelve (12) months.

In any case, the SIC must invest in properties that have a single tenant or a predominant tenant responsible for the payment of at least eighty-five per cent (85%) of the rents due in respect of the relevant properties as a way of maximising efficiency in the management of such properties. The lease contracts to be entered into by the SIC in relation to properties which are acquired after the conversion into SIC shall be for periods of no less than ten (10) years, except for renewals of such lease contracts which may have a shorter period than ten (10) years. For the avoidance of doubt (i) the limitations referred to above do not apply to properties which were already owned by SIC before its conversion into SIC and (ii) the ten (10) years period will only be fulfilled if the tenant is not entitled to any early termination right to be exercised before the elapsing of initial term of ten (10) years. The investment in real estate assets may be carried out throughout the national territory.

UNIT VALUE 2024-09-30

6,2763 €

  • Fund Type Collective investment company, alternative, real estate, closed, incorporated as private subscription, in the form of a heterogeneously managed company, taking the form of a fixed capital anonymous society, through private subscription, for professional investors.
  • Inception Date 06-12-2023
Fund Name PDSM PORTFOLIO (PORTUGAL) - SIC Imobiliária Fechada, S.A.
Currency Euro (€)
Manager Square Asset Management, Sociedade Gestora de Organismos de Investimento Coletivo, S.A.
Distributor Square Asset Management, Sociedade Gestora de Organismos de Investimento Coletivo, S.A.
Custodian BANCO INVEST, S.A.
Management Company: Square Asset Management - Sociedade Gestora de Organismos de Investimento Coletivo, S.A.

For information on any corrections to the value of the participation units, please see the CMVM website.