SQUARE ASSET MANAGEMENT is specialised in three distinct areas of real estate asset management, with the Specialised Funds having 814 million euros in assets under management (February 28th, 2025), aimed at maximising their value through long-term management.

FUND ALEGRO MONTIJO - SIC Imobiliária Fechada, S.A.

This collective investment company (SIC) is a real estate alternative collective investment undertaking that is closed-end and by private subscription.

Its investment policy is currently passive, consisting only of the holding of the shares representing the share capital of Brafero - SIC Imobiliária Fechada, S.A. and the right to economically operate the Alegro Montijo Shopping Centre under lease contracts concluded with Brafero - SIC Imobiliária Fechada, S.A..

It may also, on a supplementary basis, hold cash assets, bank deposits, deposit certificates, participation units of investment undertakings of the monetary market or short-term monetary market, and financial instruments issued or backed by a Member State of the European Union with residual maturity period of less than 12 (twelve) months.

Apart from the liquidity referred to above, the shares representing Brafero’s share capital consist of the only asset that should be included in this collective investment undertaking’s portfolio, and the economic operation of the Shopping Centre is the only activity it should pursue.

UNIT VALUE 2025-02-28

1,5993 €

  • Fund Type Collective investment company, alternative, real estate, closed, incorporated as private subscription, in the form of a heterogeneously managed company, taking the form of a fixed capital anonymous society, for professional investors.
  • Inception Date 17-12-2024
Fund Name ALEGRO MONTIJO - SIC Imobiliária Fechada, S.A.
Currency Euro (€)
Manager Square Asset Management, Sociedade Gestora de Organismos de Investimento Coletivo, S.A.
Distributor Square Asset Management, Sociedade Gestora de Organismos de Investimento Coletivo, S.A.
Custodian BANCO INVEST, S.A.
Management Company: Square Asset Management - Sociedade Gestora de Organismos de Investimento Coletivo, S.A.

For information on any corrections to the value of the participation units, please see the CMVM website.